J-C on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/j-c/art/DragonBros-hard-works-181351479J-C

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DragonBros' hard works



It's been a long time that I haven't draw any DragonBros new arts.
I finally start to move again with a website company months ago.
We will make an official site for DB, and it will open on 10/10!

If you join the DragonBros fan club==>:icondragonbrothers:
You will see a lot of news there.

Anyway, this is a "WIP" art for the site.
Silvvy and Ebby are trying to make the computer works...XD
Hope they will make everything ready on time! XD
And you can also have them on your t-shirt now:
Image size
800x536px 111.57 KB
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Whatever happened to these guys? The art for them just stopped. :(